Recreation programme

In 2023 we will offer a recreational programme for the following weeks.

May holiday 2024: April 28th - May 5th

Summer holiday 2023: July 17 - August 25

During the weeks with a recreational programme, various indoor and outdoor activities are organised for your children. There are also various activities for the whole family. The recreation programme runs from Monday morning to Friday afternoon. Each week is linked to a theme, e.g. pirates, Indians and cowboys, magic, Olympic games, nature, spring fever, etc.

Please note: We are a nature campsite with activities that fit in with that. So relaxed, focused on nature, fun, not hysterical, enjoy fun activities together. We always take into account the atmosphere of our campsite.

In the morning we often do arts and crafts in the Berkabouter or we play games inside or outside. In the afternoon we go outside as much as possible for e.g. a forest game, baking bread on a real fire, water games a fox hunt or other activities. Every week there is a fun treasure hunt through the woods or over the heath for the whole family. In addition, every now and then in the evening there are special activities such as an evening game with a special theme, a fun fair or a colourful evening. On Fridays, we traditionally close the week with treasure hunts or an exciting game in the woods, followed by eating 'poffertjes' (pancakes). For the little ones, there is a pleasant and educational fun quarter in the early morning